Boozy Brunches
In order to be to a yachtie, you need to be good at two things: brunch and brunch. Staying in the crew house in Fort Lauderdale is the...
Travel Must Haves
Travel Must Haves Being a yachtie and traveling for long periods of time can be difficult. You have limited space as it is, but you...
Living Clean in a Crewhouse
Whether you’re staying at the crew house for a couple days, a couple weeks, or a couples months, we should all be living clean and going...
Crew House Etiquette
Living with just one person isn’t easy, but living with 10 or 12 people? Definitely not easy. Someone has the TV blaring, another person...
Finding the right Crew House for you
When looking for a crew house for the first time it is important to know what your needs are. Then you can find a house that matches them...
We are opening soon!
Thanks so much for everyone's support and early interest in the Peter Pan crew house. We hope to be available in some capacity the week...